Mazlum Milletlerin Zalim Devletlere seslenişidir!!!!

Hâlbuki misalim bilmiştim seni

Kan revan içinde bıraktın beni

Hem cansız bedenim hem de boş teni

Kan revan içinde bıraktın beni


Dilini öğrendim iş bulmak için

Esbabını giydim aş bulmak için

Olur mu pirinçte taş bulmak niçin?

Kan revan içinde bıraktın beni


Milyonlar göç etti ıssız ülkeler

Yıkıldı gençlerde vardı ülküler

Gün gelir sizi de Allah silkeler

Kan revan içinde bıraktın beni


Kana gözyaşına doymaz oldunuz

Masaya bir ekmek koymaz oldunuz

Dünya yansa sizler aymaz oldunuz

Kan revan içinde bıraktın beni


Özden der ki canlar bir gün gelecek

Zalimin zulmünü Rahmet silecek

Kim haklı kim haksız her kul bilecek

Kan revan içinde bıraktın beni



(1) Modernleşme, batılılaşma


Oppressed Nations say: Imperialist states are cruel states You threw us into the blood!!!!

You threw us into the blood

We hoped you were example states for ourselves

But you threw us into the blood


We are both lifeless bodies and empty skins

In addition to

you are throwing us into the blood

(You left us covered in blood)


We tried to learn your language

otherwise there wasn’t any jop

for us

I dressed like you otherwise there wasn’t any

eat for us

Why did you put poison and fire in our food?

Why did you throw us into the blood?


Millions immigrant emigrated from their countries then

those countries had deserted

young people's dreams and ideals were lost and deleted in the these countries

why why why?

When that day appears the power of God

you will destroy each other because you

threw us into the blood


You drink the blood and tears of the children and women

You don’t give them a loaf of bread and a glass of water All the world and

human being on fire but

you are glad this situation

you threw us into the unlimited sea of blood


The God will throw you into the endless sea of blood


Özden says a fair day will come for people

Mercy will erase the cruelty of the oppressor

Everyone will know who is right and who is wrong

You left us covered in blood



(1) modernity, westernization

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Kalan Karakter:
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